Information and advice
Buddies for All only offers befriending services to disabled adults. But there are many other services that disabled people need to access, so we've collated some useful links to other organisations that offer lots of different services.
what is
Social isolation and loneliness?
Social isolation is the lack of social contact or support.
Loneliness is the feeling of being alone or isolated.

Patchwork Hub is an award-winning, disabled-led employment platform and jobs board. Their platform connects disabled and neurodivergent people, carers, and others needing accessible work practices to job opportunities with inclusive employers.
Alongside their jobs board, they also support employers across their whole accessibility and disability inclusion journey, from attraction and recruitment to retention of talent. They provide a range of training, consultancy and support packages to drive forward change within organisations.
Have we missed something?
This page will be continually added to with relevant services. If you know of any helpful services that the disabled community would find useful, let us know and we can add it!