corporate partnerships
Work with us to make a difference to the disabled community!
We’re committed to making a difference to the 24% in the UK who are disabled - chances are you very likely have disabled employees (whether you realise it or not) so partnering with us is not just a commitment to your social values, but also a commitment to supporting your disabled employees.
When we work with a company, we want to build a special and mutually beneficial partnership that will help us achieve our goals and make a positive difference to thousands of lives.
There are many ways your company can partner with us, whether it is staff fundraising and employee engagement activities, company donations, Charity of the Year partnerships or any other support you think your company can give.
‘Gift in kind’ support is also incredibly beneficial to not-for-profit organisations like us, so your corporate giving could be a space for our conferences, sponsoring our events by providing free resources such as AV or catering - every little thing can make a big difference!
We’d love to hear from you and to have an initial conversation – please reach out to us at david@buddiesforall.org.uk.
What’s the benefit to my company?
Not only does it feel incredible to know you’re helping a worthwhile cause and making a positive difference to thousands of people with your support, it’s also a great Corporate Social Responsibility story that you can share with your stakeholders and networks about the great work your organisation is doing in the community.
It’s highly likely that a large number of your staff are disabled, considering that 10.21million working-aged people are reported to be disabled – supporting the work of Buddies for All will directly impact your employees by helping our organisation to provide effective support for them.
Donations to a not-for-profit and sponsorship expenses can also be included in tax relief claims for some companies! Find out more on the Government website here https://www.gov.uk/tax-limited-company-gives-to-charity
We don’t have a charitable budget to give a donation - how else can we help?
Most organisations offer their staff at least one volunteering day per year - why not suggest they volunteer with Buddies for All? There are lots of different volunteering opportunities available - take a look here.
Skills and expertise
Your organisation might have the skills and expertise that would hugely benefit Buddies for All’s mission. You could provide pro-bono advice or support with marketing, design, PR, finance, IT…the list really is endless!
Donated products or services
Your organisation might have products or services that you could donate to Buddies for All - maybe it’s IT equipment that would otherwise go to landfill (good for the sustainability aim also!), catering for an event, even prizes for fundraising raffles!